The Benefits Of Boiling Tap Water For Drinking

Boiling your tap water is one of the most effective ways to make it safe for drinking. It greatly reduces the chances of getting sick from the contaminants present in the water.  This is because parasites and bacteria which are the contaminants found in water are all eliminated at the boiling point. Hence, drinking hot water offers a lot of health benefits. 

For this reason, we have come up with this article to show you on the benefits of boiling tap water for drinking. Let’s explore more. 

Why Boil Water?

Boiling water is one of the most effective and cheapest means of purifying your water. It has been practiced for several years and has helped ensure that water is safe for consumption. Boiling water is important because the heat helps to kill germs without introducing any extra elements inside the water. 

Although boiling water is excellent, certain elements cannot be removed by merely boiling the water alone. For example, contaminants like pesticides and insecticides need extra purification measures to make them clean again. However, these types of contaminants are not usually found in your regular tap water. So, boiling is enough to purify your tap water.  Itf you are unsure what is really in your drinking water use a Water Testing Kit, to check how safe your water is.

Benefits Of Boiling Tap Water For Drinking

Kills Bacteria, Pathogens, Cysts And Worms

Boiling tap water is the most proven method of eliminating bacteria and pathogens that may be present. Without boiling, even if the water may look clean, there are always many organisms that can not be seen with the naked eyes in it.  

Reports have shown that tap water might have water-borne organisms that can enter your body if you consume unpurified water. In many cases, they may be resistant to chlorination and can most likely pass through the filter during the filtration process. For this reason, it is safe to say that water that has gone through filtration is not safe to drink. And the consumption of such water may affect your digestive tract and diarrhea.

Instead of avoiding these organisms, the best thing is to eliminate them. However, you can achieve this feat when you boil water at 100 degrees Celsius. This will make your water safe to drink because most water-borne organisms cannot survive high heat.

Relieves Congestion And Better Digestion 

Reports have shown that drinking water helps to keep the digestive system active and working. As the water passes through your stomach and intestines, the body is better able to eliminate waste. However, drinking hot water is especially good for activating the digestive system. This is because it helps to dissipate and dissolve any food you have eaten that the digestive system might have trouble digesting. 

Furthermore, a cup of hot water will generate steam.  Holding a cup of hot water and taking a deep inhale of the steam is one of the best ways of tackling nasal congestion. The steam helps to eliminate the mucus in your throat, giving you soothing relief and eliminating any mucus build-up.

Removes Chlorine

When you have chlorine from the main water supply, you can eliminate it by boiling the water. Although chlorination is widely used to kill germs present in water, chlorinated water might pose a health risk to many individuals. For instance, it might affect pregnant women and lead to birth defects. It could also affect the good digestive bacteria that are in the digestive system of healthy people. Furthermore, chlorination affects the taste, quality, and smell of tap water. 

When you have chlorinated water, the best thing is to boil the water for at least 20 minutes. Since chlorine is less dense than air, it can evaporate naturally from tap water. However, boiling the tap water hastens the evaporation process. 

Also, when you heat water for a particular period of time, the smell and taste will improve. Thus, it is safe to say that boiling helps remove contaminants from water and improves the overall quality of your tap water.

Energy Efficient

When you compare the boiling method to other means of purifying water, you will see that boiling is the most energy-efficient means of eliminating contaminants from water. Due to technological advancement, several appliances that can deliver maximum efficiency can now be used.

For instance, electric kettles are approximately 80% efficient for boiling water and do not waste a lot of energy. They are perfectly insulated for maximum efficiency. Also, induction stoves with an efficiency of around 85% can also be used. These stoves are ideal because they generate a current that is concentrated solely on the pan. Hence, saving energy in the process of boiling the water for purification.

If you are looking for the best way to conserve energy while getting the best results, boiling your water is the right option. 

Does Boiling Tap Water Make It Pure?

Boiling water removes the bacteria present in the water. However, it does not make the water pure. Boiling can not remove contaminants such as pesticides, insecticides, heavy metals, and so on. Hence, it is safe to say that by boiling tap water, you are only making it denser in contaminants. Although these contaminants may not be harmful presently, they can still cause many problems in the long run. 

Therefore, boiling is ideal, but you can try other purification methods if you want extra safety. 

Does Boiling Water Remove Chlorine?

Boiling water removes chlorine by evaporation. When you boil water filled with chlorine for at least 20 minutes, the chlorine will evaporate naturally.  

Can You Drink Hot Tap Water?

It is advisable that you do not drink hot tap water because the water has been sitting in the hot water tank for some time. Plus it can burn your taste buds and scald your tongue. Thus, you must be very careful when drinking hot water. Drinking cool water is good for rehydration.

Meanwhile, generally, drinking hot water does not have any harmful effects and can be used as a remedy.


Drinking hot water is considered safe and can be a good way to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Furthermore, boiling your tap water is a cost-effective method of getting rid of water-borne pathogens and contaminants that might be present in your tap water. It also makes it easier for you to eliminate any unwanted chemical smell and taste that might be found in your tap water.

Boiling is indeed a easy method of purifying water.


Looking for More Information – Find out more here at Fully Home

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